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Tips For Couples Searching For Wedding Venues

Shopping for wedding venues near joplin?

A newly engaged couple can easily become overwhelmed, particularly if they've never booked a wedding venue before! 
Here are a couple of tips to get started! 

beautiful venues in the Joplin area.

There are so many



Review websites of your favorite venues

Check out the images on venue websites to get an idea of what your wedding day photos will look like. 

Make sure the venue will fit the vibe you're looking for. 

The Belvedere_edited.jpg


Compare Pricing And Amenities

Pay extra attention to square footage. Many wedding venues near Joplin are too small for today's trendy brides.   Also, consider amenities. Amenities are EVERYTHING when booking a venue. What are amenities? Amenities are the FREE stuff...the perks! Schedule a tour of The Belvedere first. We will give you tips along the way to help you know what to look for when selecting a venue.

The Belvedere


Verify Availability

Pick your top 3 Joplin wedding venues and verify availability. Have a couple of dates in mind! You'll miss out on an amazing venue if you're stuck on a date. 

If you're flexible...even better!

We can help you select a date within your budget to save hundreds of dollars off your package. Is your date available? Let's check!


Schedule a tour!

Let's get together! We love showing off all of the amenities that come with your package. Amenities are EVERYTHING when couples are booking Joplin wedding venues. We also offer an impressive online resource guide to help you rock your wedding day vision! Your guests will be amazed that you planned such a stunningly beautiful event.

Free Decor!

We have a unique program here at

The Belvedere Wedding Venue

Thanks to our brides who have

generously donated to our

Bride To Bride, Paying It Forward Program

We have shelves of decor, signs, centerpieces and vintage furniture you can use for your next event.

Our inventory is always growing and changing with items that you can borrow for free.

These sweet girls have donated items from their wedding that they will no longer use and hope it would help someone like you. In turn, perhaps you will leave something for someone who is decorating for their event.


Here are some common questions you may have when booking the venue or scheduling a tour. 

Ready To Schedule A Tour?

Text to tour 

(417) 473-2130 

The Belvedere Wedding Venue 

3721 S Chapel Road

Carthage, MO 64836


By appointment or invitation only

Business Hours

 Thursday through Sunday

10am-4pm (closed during events)

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